“I do have one final closing concern. Plath’s speaker encounters this experience in Creation by stopping and observing. I worry that had Plath been born 60 years later, she would never have seen that black rook in rainy weather (assuming the poem is autobiographical). She would have been staring at a phone.”

I worry that my sons who are 21 and 19 been staring at phones for so long they’ve missed hearing and seeing what creation speaks to them about God. They aren’t observing creation, they’re observing their phones. It truly grieves me. When I try to talk to them about it, they disregard my thoughts. They feel the older generation is always telling the younger generation what’s wrong with them, and that the older generation was better.

How do we reach our sons and daughters who have been staring at phones for too long?

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I suspect that they are going to have to figure it out for themselves. You can warn them, but eventually they will get disgusted with their devices, Lord willing. I’ve noticed a lot of college students who are becoming more aware of what their devices are doing to them. So there is hope.

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