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Aug 31Liked by O. Alan Noble

Thank you again Alan (you covered so much, I am staying with the theme from my last post and this quote helps articulate what I was sharing, “ He gave us lips, and we use them for empty sentiments. Not love, but friendly sentiments. A polite greeting. A head nod. But no intimate relationships.”

I/We have a problem with this in churches in America (just an observation).

God give us/me the grace to not be just friendly, but deeply loving.

Ever have that feeling when you leave a conversation in the narthex (lobby… yea I am Presbyterian) and it was so good to see the person, their kids are good, their life is busy, but good… and you feel like it was great to see the person (but you chickened out on depth)…. Yea, it’s that kind of Grace (sure, Grace for myself and my lacking/slacking, but in the moment radically loving Grace) we need more of that in our churches that pushes us into depth.

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