1 Comment

This is exactly the kind of principled, common sense thinking that is destined not to catch on. But we, your readers, are enriched by it.

As for the situation in London, I lived there for about a year in 2008-9, and it is certainly more multicultural than the majority of England. But the situation is, naturally, full of nuance and complications. After all, the reason Islam *seems* like such a strong religion in the UK is simply because the majority of the UK has walked away from Christianity. The real religion of the UK, like the US, is some combination of expressive individualism, consumerism, etc. And goodness, there are loads of churches between London and Oxford, but they just aren't right by the train tracks. Interestingly, the recent rioting in England may have started with an act of violence by a Muslim, but those people trashing English cities were mostly on the far-right: white nativist types.

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