The question is, are these people coming to Christianity because they think other people are sinners, or because they think THEY are sinners? If the former, whatever they are "converted" to will not be true, orthodox, gospel-focused Christianity.

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I warned my brother about the new Jordan Peterson book, We Who Wrestle with God. I warned him that Peterson is slippery on many theological concepts, including whether Jesus rose from the grave bodily. My brother wants to read it because the husband of one my nieces is really into Jordan Peterson. A lot of young men are big fans of this self-help guru. My brother said he didn't know if he had the brains to understand this new book because Peterson is such an intellectual. I said he needed to be careful and remember what he believed. He was defensive. This Peterson guy is reaching young men, but not with the gospel. If Jesus is not risen from the dead, our faith is in vain. I Corinthian 15:14

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Thank you Alan, what a topic and I sure do "hope all things" (and pray) for revival, renewal, and Spirit to bring redemption and salvation to all. At the same time, this topic (and many sub-topics) are timely and tension riddled. In reading the article, it seems almost easy in some way how we could get to a place deeper into cultural Christianity and go further off the rails as the idols of consumerism and individualism however they show their ugly heads permeate our society. It seems our past hasn't helped position us to the whole gospel (I think) it was Reynolds Price who said "we have had 2000 years of pious handling" pertaining to the taming of our faith. I pray we and all can see and share the "whole counsel of the gospel" as you wrote. The power of the gospel certainly is the answer...

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